Where the wild things are... And where our kids were not ha! We really enjoyed this zoo on steroids sans children and really got to take our time strolling through Pandora, which was by FAR one of our top highlights from this trip.

Animal Kingdom is wild in more ways than one. It's the one place you can experience an African safari, climb Mt Everest, ride the rapids of the Chakranadi River and fly on the back of a banshee in Pandora, World of Avatar. I absolutely love the adventurous vibe of this park. I could easily camp out here for a few days, doing everything on repeat! Check out some of our animal sightings below... my favorite is the king of the jungle, snoozing on pride rock ;)
Insert family pictures here:
OK.. I am crazy excited to share this next segment of pictures with you. Since the opening of Pandora, World of Avatar, I'd been itching to get there and see it for myself! I would never describe myself as an Avatar fanatic, but I love all movies of its kind and the thought of a fantasy land, such as Pandora, makes me all sorts of giddy! I went a little overboard with pictures, but if you've been there, I know you get it ;)
So cool, right?! I can't wait to go back! Pandora is a wonderful example of the beauty found in creativity and the power of imagination. Can we just live there?! What an amazing experience. We'll be back, Pandora.. in the meantime, please take care of our banshees :)
In closing, a great shot of Mt Everest, as passengers make their way up, only to be chased down by the abominable snowman. And just a few shots from the night show, Rivers of Light. It was yet another great spectacle, beautifully displaying nature in the form of floating lanterns, water imagery and dancing shadows. I didn't take many pictures. Not because it wasn't worthy enough. I think I simply got caught in the wonder of it all and put my camera down. Sometimes it's good to get lost in those moments and just be. We need to remember that our memories are really what matter most and so, it's good to embrace life in the moment and not feel the constant need to capture it through a lens.
And how CUTE are my grandparents walking out of the park, hand in hand?! Gah, I could just cry!!
Goodbye, Disney.. for now. We will be back, never soon enough, but soon.

Need some Disney advice? We are no experts, but we'd love to help you in planning your upcoming Disney experience! Shoot us an email at thebackpackingblotskes@gmail.com.